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All about your favorite drinks, cassava plants and more.

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5 min

I Am the Child of a Rockster

I became a real Rockster because I had the best teacher: my mom. She taught me that I can't go out without a sweater because I'll get sick, that if I talk back a sandal slap will come my way, and that if I behave well she'll reward me with a Cassavita.
5 min

What is TARO and why should you try it?

Maybe you've seen a purple bubble tea or ice cream, and when you ask what flavor it is, they probably tell you, "Taro." And don't worry, we know that doesn't mean anything to you.
5 min

International Tea Day

Green tea, black tea, red tea, cinnamon, lemon, chamomile, mint… the reign of tea is a whole science of benefits and flavors that have captivated the senses of all human beings on this planet for decades.
5 min

Discover the benefits of drinking coffee

It's estimated that 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed around the world every day. Coffee has become one of the favorite drinks for many and even our constant companion.
5 min

Bubble tea: a new concept for drinking tea

Edgar González, managing partner of Cassava Roots, recounted in a phone interview with Gastrolab web the rise of the brand, an original and innovative project that is here to stay.
5 min

Cassava Roots is recognized as the Mexican Company of the Year by the Latin American Quality Institute

Cassava Roots, the leading Mexican brand in bubble tea, was awarded Company of the Year at the Mexico Quality Summit 2023 by the Latin American Quality Institute (LAQI), a body that recognizes the quality and social responsibility of Latin American companies.
5 min

We Crowned the First King of Tapioca

This March 11th, we celebrated the first "King of Tapioca" Day. To position ourselves on the world's largest video platform, YouTube, we decided to hold a multi-channel giveaway so that one of our loyal followers could win a year of free Cassavitas.
5 min

Back to the 90s: With the new Magic Cups

Back to the 90s: Cassava Roots is hitting you with the Magic Cups to give you that nostalgia fix. There's no doubt about it—vintage fashion is here to stay!
5 min

Bubble tea, the drink that everyone wants.

What is bubble tea? How was this combination created? If you've ever had these questions, we'll explain everything you need to know in detail before you try it.