5 min read

Be Rockster Be Yourself

September 14, 2023

Since I decided to be who I am, without fear of prejudices, life seems much more rockable.

Because now I know that if many fingers point at me, it's because my mark is present wherever I go; or that if whispers turn into constant criticism, it's because of the confidence I convey.

Because now I know that what matters is not what others think, but what I think of myself, and that identity is not chosen, it is discovered.

It's about showing your colors and overcoming fears. Because love and respect HAVE NO GENDER. Happiness is achieved by keeping your head held high and feeling proud of who you are.

Originality runs through my veins since I made the decision to open up to the world, but above all, to myself; since I took the reins of my path and projected what makes me different.

Today I choose what I want to be.

I choose to be free and I choose to be a rockster

Because my ability is not at odds with the way I speak or dress; it is not about my sexuality or beliefs either. What makes me who I am is proudly flaunting my personality.

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