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Matcha: Discover Why Everyone Is Talking About It

August 21, 2024

In the world of tea, there's a prized green gem that's won the hearts and tastes of many over time: matcha. This fine, vibrant powder is not only known for its delicious taste and versatility in cooking but also for its incredible health benefits. From its beginnings in Japanese tea ceremonies to its integration into modern desserts and beverages, matcha has captured the affection of many and is worth discovering. In this blog, we'll tell you everything you need to know about matcha to encourage you to give it a try.

Its Origins

Matcha is a type of powdered green tea that originated in Japan, with roots that trace back over a thousand years. Buddhist monks originally consumed it to stay alert and focused during their long meditations. Over time, matcha became a fundamental part of Japanese tea ceremonies, and Japan developed a rich culture around it, making it more well-known.

What is Matcha?

Now that we've learned a bit about its origin, what exactly is matcha? Matcha comes from a plant called Camellia sinensis, and it undergoes a special cultivation process. The plants are grown in the shade to increase chlorophyll production and amino acid content, which gives the plant its characteristic bright green hue. When ready for harvest, the leaves are deveined, the stems are removed, and then the leaves are ground into a fine powder known as matcha.

What's the Difference between Matcha and Green Tea?

Although both matcha and green tea come from the Camellia sinensis plant, the difference lies in their cultivation and processing. Green tea is made by steeping whole leaves in hot water, whereas matcha involves grinding shade-grown leaves into a fine powder that is dissolved in water, allowing you to consume the entire leaf and its nutrients.

Matcha Properties

As you can see, the unique production process of matcha allows access to its nutrients, making it renowned for its numerous health benefits, including:

  • Antioxidant Properties: Matcha is incredibly rich in antioxidants, particularly catechins, which are powerful against free radicals that can cause cellular damage and premature aging. Catechins help reduce inflammation and are even said to help prevent cardiovascular diseases, though this should not be viewed as a complete solution for disease prevention.
  • Natural Energy Booster: Matcha provides lasting energy due to its combination of caffeine and L-theanine. The caffeine in matcha is slowly released into the body, providing a stable energy boost without the spikes and crashes associated with coffee. L-theanine, an amino acid present in matcha, induces a state of relaxation without causing drowsiness, improving concentration and mental clarity.
  • Detoxifying Properties: Matcha's high chlorophyll content not only gives it its bright green hue but also acts as a natural detoxifier. Chlorophyll helps eliminate toxins and heavy metals from the body, improving overall liver health and supporting the body's natural cleansing processes.
  • Metabolism Boost: Matcha can help accelerate metabolism and increase calorie burning. Studies have shown that consuming matcha can increase thermogenesis (the body's ability to generate heat through metabolic reactions) from 8-10% to 35-43%. Additionally, matcha can aid in fat oxidation, making it an ideal supplement for those aiming to stay fit or lose weight, although this should be paired with a healthy diet and exercise.
  • Immune Support: The catechins in matcha also possess antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help boost the immune system. Regular consumption of matcha can help prevent infections and keep the body healthy and strong.

What Does Matcha Taste Like?

Matcha has a unique and complex flavor, combining earthy notes with natural sweetness. It has a pronounced umami taste, which can be described as a blend of vegetal and sweet, with a subtle and pleasant bitterness that leaves a delightful aftertaste we recommend trying.

How Can You Use Matcha?

Matcha is incredibly versatile and can be used in various delicious recipes, such as:

  • Savory Dishes: You can use matcha to add a unique flavor twist to your savory dishes. Add it to dressings, sauces, and marinades for a distinct taste and nutritional boost.
  • Desserts: Matcha has become popular in desserts, so we recommend incorporating it into your favorite sweets like cakes, cookies, ice cream, macarons, or even matcha chocolate-covered strawberries for a delicious and colorful touch.
  • Beverages: You've probably seen beautiful matcha drinks online, and it's no wonder because matcha can be used in various drinks like lattes, smoothies, and even cocktails. One matcha beverage we highly recommend trying is matcha bubble tea.

If you're craving delicious matcha bubble tea, we suggest visiting your nearest Cassava Roots location and ordering a matcha drink to see why it's the best, most original, and always different. For a sweeter touch to your matcha bubble tea, you can order a Matchita Godai at Cassava Roots, combining the delightful taste of matcha with the sweet flavor of vanilla.

Whether you order a Matcha bubble tea or Matchita Godai at Cassava Roots, you'll be able to customize your drink by choosing its mode (hot, cold, or icy), adding milk if desired, and including extra toppings like popping boba, jellies, or extra tapioca if you're a big fan of tapioca pearls.

Matcha is not just a drink; it's an experience for your palate with incredible benefits and a unique taste. We invite you to try matcha, especially the matcha bubble tea from Cassava Roots, a delicious way to enjoy this fantastic tea in a modern beverage. So don't wait any longer and visit your nearest Cassava Roots location now!.

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