5 min read

Discover the benefits of drinking coffee

September 14, 2023

It is estimated that worldwide 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed daily.

Coffee has become one of the favorite beverages of many and even our unconditional companion. There is no specific time for its consumption, but it is usually enjoyed every morning at breakfast time, as it provides the necessary energy to kickstart the day.

Coffee is a beverage obtained from the beans of the coffee plant. Subsequently, the beans go through a roasting and grinding process before being brewed. As a final product, we have a drink with multiple benefits for our body, some of which are:

1. Activates the mind: One of the key components of coffee is caffeine, responsible for stimulating, activating, and speeding up brain processes. (That’s why when we enjoy a cup of coffee, we feel it wakes us up and helps us stay focused on our tasks.)

2. Aids in weight loss: In the nutritional field, caffeine is one of the many components that contribute to weight loss by burning fat. (It’s important to highlight that this will only be possible; as long as it is used as a complement to a balanced diet, accompanied by physical activity, and that the coffee is enjoyed without sugar and milk.)

3. Rich in antioxidants: Coffee is one of the plant products richest in antioxidant compounds, especially polyphenols; which contribute to maintaining good health in general.

4. Reduces stress: Multiple studies suggest that consuming a cup of coffee a day helps block dopamine receptors.

5. Helps prevent type 2 diabetes: Health specialists have linked that consuming three to four cups of coffee a day reduces the possibility of suffering from this type of diabetes by 25%.

There is no doubt that enjoying this elixir on a day like today is mandatory, and our best recommendation is that you visit Cassava Roots and enjoy our menu created for coffee lovers: Geisha. It features 9 different types of drinks, so you can enjoy your favorite. You can order them either iced, frappé, or hot, and the best part is that at the bottom of the glass, you will have a unique experience, finding pearls of our already traditional tapioca.

And the obligatory question, when are we going for a coffee, Rocksters?

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