5 min read

I Am the Child of a Rockster

September 14, 2023

I became a true Rockster because I had the best school; my mom. The one who taught me that I can't go out without a sweater because I might get sick, that if I answer wrong a flip-flop will come my way, or that if I behave well, a Cassavita will invite me.

I am a rockster because I come from a rockster mom.

So rockster that she can buy a poster board on a Sunday at 8 p.m., that she can go to the ends of the earth just for a party, or that she can stay up late just to bring my fever down.

So Rockster that no matter what my personality is she will always accept and love me; she will defend me from all evil and I will always have a shoulder to lean on. Because no matter the circumstances, my mom is the best of all (and the word falls short).

She taught me to be a true rockster.

Because now I know that if I need a hand my mother will give me three without thinking, that if my world falls apart she will be there to fix it, and that as my mom says:

“In bad times, you have to wear a good face.”

Because thanks to her I am everything I am; a person with original blood. A person with a big heart, huge character, and a personality so CHINGONA… just like my mother.

Because like her, none.

Being a mother is not a gift, it is being ROCKSTER.

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